Information about rockwool quote request:

Greenhouse grower/buyer
Are you a greenhouse grower or a buyer sourcing material for a greenhouse needing several boxes or pallets of rockwool? This quote request form is for you!

All depends on your location
Picking up your order: no minimum.
Quebec/Eastern Canada/Northeast USA: Around 10 boxes
Further away: sorry we don't deliver rockwool as far for now.

Eastern Canada/North-east USA
Please refer to the preceding point for details.
Eastern Canada + a couple of boxes of standard products = a couple of days
If you require an order of a couple of boxes of standard products to deliver in Eastern Canada of standard, you can generally place your order a couple of days in advance.
Optimize your purchase
To optimize your purchase, you should place several orders at once.
Then any time after, you can modify the exact quantity by +/- 20% for any products at the time of delivery to fit your inventory. You can also modify the delivery date by +/- 15 days from the original ship date. On the logistic document, you can ask for a "call prior of shipping" to make those adjustments.
This never applies to custom products.
Our quote needs to be originally identified as is to allow those adjustments.
Quantity added is limited to available stock and subject to spot price.
Multiple delivery dates
If your order is larger it may take from a couple of days to several months to plan the start of delivery. We keep our stock optimized for our established customers. So large quantity cannot be delivered until the logistic had been set to include your needs in our schedule. Also, some delivery may need to be planned to your location from the manufacturer in some cases. Note that you can request deliveries on different dates throughout the year!

Quote delay
Allow 2-10 business days.

Input financing
If your company is Canadian, FCC (Farm Credit Canada) Input Financing is a simple and flexible way to free up your cash flow. You have 12 months to purchase fuel, fertilizer, and crop protection, and up to 18 months to pay. Input financing is offered through us (Groupe Horticole Ledoux Inc.) allowing you to purchase and finance your inputs at the same time. Get the time you need to market your crops and don't pay until March. This option only applies to Canadian enterprises. Click on the following link for more details on this option on the Farm Credit Canada website:

Grodan® rockwool
- Grodan® manufacturer rockwool line

Limited GHL stock
- We keep limited stock of rockwool

Plan logistic
- Place your order as soon as possible to plan logistic
Go to the online store rockwool substrate product category for more details on the standard product line