BioBee BioArtFeed - Artemia decapsulated cysts insect feed (1kg)
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jusqu'à 2 semaines
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Only replenished IF YOU ORDER IT
Works with BioCucumeris, BioLacewing, BioSwirski, BioOrius and mirid bugs.
Allergy warning: contains shellfish
A novel high-quality insect feed which supports the early establishment of beneficials prior to the pests' arrival. Supplied as a 'shaker' for direct application on crops or for mixing before application.
A highly nutritious feed with longer viability
Accurate dispensing rate between 0.032 - 0.11g per shake.
The high durability of BioArtFeed results in reduced application rates and frequencies.
BioBee Sde Eliyahu Ltd. produces and markets biological products. Production is carried out using innovative techniques under controlled quality assurance standards such as ISO 9001:2015, as well as IOBC’s international standards for mass-production of insects. All products are tested to meet specification requirements before leaving the factory.
The success of biological pest control is affected by the crop’s initial pest population (upon application of the product), weather conditions and chemical residue present in the crop, among other possible aggravating factors.
Under no circumstance shall BioBee or Groupe Horticole Ledoux inc. be liable for the outcome of the implementation in the field, as it has no control over local conditions, the application method, or the possible improper treatment/storage of the product.
Instruction / | delivery |
Works with BioCucumeris, BioLacewing, BioSwirski, BioOrius and mirid bugs.
Allergy warning: contains shellfish
A novel high-quality insect feed which supports the early establishment of beneficials prior to the pests' arrival. Supplied as a 'shaker' for direct application on crops or for mixing before application.
A highly nutritious feed with longer viability
Accurate dispensing rate between 0.032 - 0.11g per shake.
The high durability of BioArtFeed results in reduced application rates and frequencies.
BioBee Sde Eliyahu Ltd. produces and markets biological products. Production is carried out using innovative techniques under controlled quality assurance standards such as ISO 9001:2015, as well as IOBC’s international standards for mass-production of insects. All products are tested to meet specification requirements before leaving the factory.
The success of biological pest control is affected by the crop’s initial pest population (upon application of the product), weather conditions and chemical residue present in the crop, among other possible aggravating factors.
Under no circumstance shall BioBee or Groupe Horticole Ledoux inc. be liable for the outcome of the implementation in the field, as it has no control over local conditions, the application method, or the possible improper treatment/storage of the product.
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